York Civic Trust Position Statement re: the reduction to the budget for York’s Civic Party


York Civic Trust has a long history of supporting the office of the Lord Mayor of York including funding repairs and restoration to the city’s mansion house and Civic regalia.


The Trust considers that the role of the Civic party is a vital component of the city’s civic identity and standing amongst cities in UK. The presence of the Civic Party at events throughout the year is a boost for local residents, for local charities, for the city’s tourist industry and for York’s world image.


The Trust is nevertheless of the opinion that how the Civic Party operates and is funded should evolve to meet the environmental and financial issues of the day.


York Civic Trust supports the annual review and publication of the Civic Protocols going forward and asks that as part of this annual review interested organisations such as the Civic Trust are included and consulted with.


The Civic Trust supports the reduced use of the Civic Limousine at a time when the city is aiming to reduce carbon emissions from transport by over 70% to meet the city’s net zero target by 2030. The Civic Trust believes, however, that further consideration must be given to the alternative transport options to allow the Civic Party to fulfil its community obligations effectively.


The Civic Trust believes that the robes, chains of office, sword, cap and mace do not embody the roles of the Lord Mayor and Sherriff. They are, however, significant objects that represent the office of Lord Mayor. Their use in the future must be considered to balance the needs of ceremony, cost and conservation.


The city’s Mansion House was constructed as the residence of the Lord Mayor and today is a useful resting space for the Civic Party as they carry out their duties. If the Civic Party is not to use the Mansion House then the Civic Trust, as a major funder of previous restorations of the Mansion House, is particularly interested in being consulted on the future of the building.